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This schedule should be read in conjunction with the engagement letter and the 300 Standard terms & conditions | Massey Accounting Company


This document sets out the basis on which we will complete, as requested and if agreed by you and Massey Accounting Company Ltd, an Accountant’s Certificate in relation to a personal mortgage or loan application. We may refuse to complete any such Certificates at our discretion.


Your responsibilities


You are responsible for:

1. Accurately communicating to us your own and your lenders instructions. We will rely on you to tell us as soon as possible if anything occurs which renders any information previously given to us as incorrect or inaccurate.
2. Agreeing with us ahead of time that you would like to pass our details on to a potential lender so that they may make a request to complete an Accountant’s Certificate in relation to your loan.
3. Agreeing with us in advance of the request being made that we can indeed complete such a Certificate and our fee for the work.
4. Once agreed passing on our details to your lender.
5. Confirming the identify of your lender and confirming your wish for us to complete the requested Certificate.
6. Agreeing that we may pass on your personal details as requested by your lender and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
7. Our Certificate will be provided solely for your use in connection with the loan or mortgage to which it relates and should not be made available to any party without our written consent. We accept no liability to any other party who is shown or gains access to our report.


Our service to you


We will be responsible for:

1. Completing the Accountant’s Certificate with accurate, historical information based on the unaudited Financial Statements (or Accounts) and Tax Returns that have already been approved by you.
2. Other than as set out herein, we will not carry out any work by way of audit, review or verification of the financial information nor of the accounts, accounting records or other sources from which that information is to be extracted for the purposes of providing you with our Accountant’s Certificate.
3. If we are asked to provide estimates or projections we expect that more work that usual is required. Therefore, our fee will usually be higher than in cases of reporting on historic information only.
4. We will help provide estimates or projections only where we feel we have reasonable grounds on which to prepare these. Even then, all estimates or projections will be provided to the lender with appropriate disclaimers.
5. If we deem that the questions on the Accountant’s Certificate are not clear or asked in a manner that requires us to “confirm or guarantee” that loan repayments can be kept-up we may choose to not use the lenders standard form but write our own certificate. In either case, we may choose to attach a covering letter and include disclaimers.
6. Where possible we will return the completed certificate directly to the lender within a reasonable time frame – usually within two weeks of the request being received.


We have a professional responsibility not to allow our name to be associated with accounts or reports that may be misleading. In extreme cases when this matter cannot be resolved, we will withdraw from the engagement and notify you in writing.


Limitation of liability


Our services as detailed above are subject to the limitations on our liability set out in the engagement letter and in our 300 Standard terms & conditions | Massey Accounting Company of business. These are important provisions, which you should read and consider carefully.


You and your spouse/partner


We shall advise you and your spouse/partner on the basis that you are a family unit. You both agree that in all matters relating to your or your spouse’s/partner’s tax and financial affairs, we may deal directly with either of you and we may discuss with either of you the tax liabilities and/or financial affairs of the other. If you wish to make any change to these arrangements at any time, please let us know.


You undertake that all instructions, information or explanations either of you gives us will be on behalf of both of you.


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